Monday, March 4, 2013

Faith & Support

What effect can a major donor have on the future success of a university?  Assume that Elaine Wynn decided to make a $100 million dollar gift to a specific department or college at UNLV.  What effect would that have on UNLV’s future?  First, the department or college would then have the ability to expand and improve to become competitive nationally.  But just as important as the $100 million dollars is the faith and support Elaine Wynn’s name alone would give to UNLV’s future.  If she could put that kind of money into the system, I’m sure others would follow and soon UNLV would become a new challenger in the world of higher education.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the casino crowd is inclined to give away to much. Years ago I contacted several casino companies to see about obtaining their dead card decks to send to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Do you know how many decks I got? NOT ONE!
