Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nevada Supreme Court

The Nevada Supreme Court should be supported by intermediary courts that would resolve the simpler legal problems appealed from district courts.  The role of the Nevada Supreme Court should be left to making policy decisions consistent with Nevadas needs and defined by Nevadas statutory structure.  The Nevada Supreme Court is still governed by the 1864 structure that has long since ceased to be effective.  It doesnt work. 


  1. Jim, there's no money in making things simple and in my opinion time has shown that government hasn't worked well either. There's to much and they do to little at great cost.
    Restore FREEDOM!

  2. Also, in Indiana, a parent can buy you a handgun and you can carry it at 18, even though you have to be 21 to buy in your name. Is this one of the changes that the supreme court made and does this apply to Nevada?

    phlebotomy schools in NV
