Monday, January 21, 2013

Today's Guest: Neal Smatresk

(Dr. Neal Smatresk, president of UNLV, responds to Jim’s recent tweets about research revenue at UNLV.) 

"I’m Neal Smatresk, President of UNLV.  Funds invested in UNLV yield a huge return on investment.  Imagine now in our efficient institution how we can drive the economy with strategic investments in research faculty and infrastructure.  The University of Utah has led a tech boom in Salt Lake City that produces over $10B a year in export economy.  Why shouldn't we make the same investments in UNLV to support our biggest city?  We need to invest in higher education NOW."

1 comment:

  1. On one side UNLV needs investment, on the other, folks who make that investment need extra capital in order to do so.
    The economy, especially here in Nevada, stinks! Since there are no real leaders here with the strength to address this problem it looks like we are all going to have to suffer a little longer.
