Monday, January 16, 2012

Regent Kevin Page

In the year I have written 260 twitters, I have tried to be accurate.  I have reread each and every one of these twitters and find I would change only one of them.

In my analysis of the 13 members of the Board of Regents, I graded each of them.  I stand by those grades except for Kevin Page who I gave a C-.  I was wrong.  I should have given him an “A” because I failed to fully understand all of the hard, productive, thoughtful work, total passion and sound thinking of this very smart public servant.  (The pay is less than fifty cents an hour.)

In the last several months, I have seen him assume a real leadership role in the Higher Education System.

He has learned the intricacies of how the eight institution system works and, with very limited financial support, how the system makes a valiant effort to improve the lives of all Nevadans.

Regent is a part-time job that requires full time effort, perseverance, dedication, thoughtful consideration, along with the ability and character to stand up for what is good for Nevada’s education.  Kevin has all of these attributes.

I apologize to Kevin for misjudging him.

1 comment:

  1. I often disagree with you Mr. Rogers BUT, you do have class!
